J. Alber, Unnatural Narrative ". The Living Handbook of Narratology. Hamburg: Hamburg University. Consulté le 19/08/2016, p.1

J. Alber-parle-de-;-alber and J. , Unnatural Narrative ". The Living Handbook of Narratology, 2014.

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, Intrusive narrator: A (distancing or engaging, ironic or ernest) narrator commenting in his or her own voice on the situations and events presented, their presentation, or its context; a narrator relying on and characterized by commentarial excursuses or intrusions, pp.46-47, 1987.

, Un narrateur homodiégétique est un " narrateur présent comme personnage dans l'histoire qu'il raconte

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J. Alber, Unnatural Narrative ". The Living Handbook of Narratology, p.1, 2014.